Microsoft Corp is based in Redmond WA, hence the Redmond reference. [It's as non-subtle as Apple could get without actually saying Microsoft.] Back in 2004 at one of Apple's San Francisco conferences promoting the New OS Tiger, this banner was placed to directly poke fun at Microsoft and it's upcoming platform then named Longhorn [since renamed Vista.] I myself am a mac user, and glad to be one. For those who haven't been following the OS saga, Window's Vista looks freakishly like Apple OS X [specifically, 10.4 Tiger] I find it sort of comical, and I don't see any need for macfans to be scared that Microsoft may be taking back the market.. not at all. I see Apple only growing, as it has been. Instead, I look to the addage "imitation is the best form of flattery." It's also the best form of "hah! Microsoft has zero innovation!" I could go through all of the striking similarities, but it's been done.. and done.. and done. So I've instead posted this youtube video, perhaps you've seen it, of a writer at The New York Times speaking on the subject. I hope you sense the sarcasm in it all, but the man has set off on a 3 minute journey to prove once and for all that Micro$oft did NOT copy Apple on this OS. Well, you judge for yourself. I will say though, that if there's any doubt that Windows may have actually one-uped Apple, once Leopard is released there will no longer be any question as to Apple's superiority.Yes, we MacAddicts really DO support our OS. But hey, my Mac has treated me so well.. which is much more than I can say for any of the PC's I've owned. I feel bad for all the PC users who are upgrading to Vista and therefore have to either upgrade EVERYTHING in their CPU, or else get a new computer. Joey is running Tiger on his G3 perfectly. I run it on my G4 and I also have zero problems. I could keep this computer for the next 10 years, easy, without any problems. I, however, am too wowed by new shiny objects, so I'll probably be buying a new Mac before then; not because I need to, but because I will inevitably want to. My 2 year old G4 is already a dinousaur compared with the new Macbooks. 'What, you have an EXTERNAL isight?!' Yes, yes.. But the way I see it, when the next generation of laptops comes out and there's some other huge hardware upgrade, I'll be the first to get one.
Will: I don't hate Andy, I like Andy.
Grace: Well, Humphrey Bogart liked Ingrid Bergman but he gave her up for the good of the Resistance.
Will: Have you been swinging from powerlines?
1 comment:
That video cracks me up.
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