Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I love remembering that I have a blog and going back to read it. Seriously folks, it's invigorating. For as I write this, I'm in my last semester of college. Ever. EVER! After 6 long years of studying, practicing, transferring and not sleeping I am finally about to finish this long journey. Saying that I am infinitely elated is an understatement, and I simply can NOT wait to begin living life as a real person, with a job and no homework or judgmental professors. [I'm going to pretend that I don't realize the real life involves take-home work and judgmental bosses.]
Just a few blogs ago I talked about my Jr recital, and now I'm about to embark on my Senior recital. It's twice as long, features only me and is full of musical theatre pieces that are beginning to become irksome. It's not that singing them isn't fun, it's just that having them as part of this monstrous college capstone is sort of bringing down the fun-level. By a large margin.
Alright now, brace yourself, as I go into the horribly scary discussion of... loan repayment [blood curdling scream!] It's okay, just breath. I realized that the time would come sooner or later, [hoping it would come later rather than sooner] but I was also hoping the country wouldn't be in a massive recession when I graduated. I had also hoped that the banks and loan companies would decide to take up some love for their fellow man [like me] and decide to forgive all loans. Forever. Yeah, it's a little far-fetched, but can't a guy dream?
A lot has changed since I last blogged... I mentioned the recession. We have a new president [thank God, Buddha, Vishnu, or whomever you worship] because not only is it NOT Bush, it's Obama. Rock'n'roll. He's a democrat, and black. What this means is that he's not Bush. I'm pretty sure this is exactly what we all need. Let's see, what else... Jen Dear had a baby: Haley Jane. She is beautiful. There have been some ups and downs, but life isn't too shabby. But it'll be a lot less shabby once school is over. Please God-uddha-ishnu, let it come quickly!

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