I had a crazy dream the other night, that Joey and I were in the costume shop and one of the seamstresses told us she wanted to give us tattoos. Joe was all for it, and i decided reluctantly that it would be okay. She did a small tattoo on Joey's back, which he really liked, then it was my turn. She was supposed to tattoo a sticker that I gave her onto my back. It was only about an inch wide, but as she tattooed she made it much larger. I stopped to look at it and realized it covered my entire back. I started crying and freaking out.. "I can't have a tattoo covering my whole back!! Oh my god what have I DONE?!!?!" I was horrified. I started hitting myself on the head asking myself why I could be so stupid as to do it when I didn't really want to in the first place.. it was permanent and now it would ALWAYS be there.. a big ugly, half-drawn tattoo. I felt like my life was over.
Well, thankfully, I woke up and felt a massive wave of relief.
What was THAT all about??
Now I'm utterly confused as to why a sweet little Asian seamstress was in my dream as a careless tattoo artist, and now I am also completely petrified of getting a tattoo. Ever.
that sounds scary
y did u get so scared its just a tattoo theres nothing wrong with a tatto especailly one tht covers ur whole bak i think u shld just get one maybe not as big as ur bak butt jus get one they rnt bad at all
yeah, tattoos are good, like that guys grammer and spelling ^^^^^^
you guys all fucking suck at spelling, get a life its a fucking tattoo.
hahahaha. you guys are stupid. i wish i could talk like that second person. i hate being articulate.
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