Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So we've got a gay sheep controversy. We've also got a senate about ready to cut off a President. Let me start with the later.
So you see, with the opposition to Bush's proposal to send 20,000 more troops to Iraq, Bush's approval ratings have fallen as low as Nixon's after the watergate scandal, and those during the Vietnam War. Those aren't good stats for Pres. Pretzel, if you didn't know. There are several proposals floating around Senate right now that would symbolically cut off the President if he sends these troops into the stalemate that is Iraq. For those who have forgotten a thing or two from History and Government, the President (thanks to a bogus bill) is able to make whatever executive decisions regarding warfare that he deems essential. [It's all in the wording..] This means that Senate can oppose this all they want, but they can't really stop it from happening. However, they CAN cut off financial ties to the President. Where do you think Bushie gets his allowance to play his large scale game of Risk [great board game.. very competitive though; be weary.] So the cut off would be merely symbolic, but it certainly gets the message across. All of this, but do we think Bush is going to change his mind? Hell no. As a matter of fact, Vice Pres. "oops I accidentally shot him" said on a CNN interview "It won't stop us." ..It won't stop us.. What WOULD stop them? Perhaps if global warming dramatically hits [like it's due to] the ice caps will melt and flood Prezel and Shotgun out of the White House. Or maybe some angry taxpayers weilding fire and pitch forks will demand change. Or quite possibly, Bushie will choke on another pretzel. Whatever it takes, Senate symbolically cutting off the administration will NOT force a change. Georgie will have it his way. Why? Because, well, he's the President and he wears suits 'n stuff.

Moving on, perhaps to the more shocking bit of news.. A scientist, Charles Roselli, is facing huge controversy over a study about gay sheep. Yes, gay sheep. Somehow, this didn't really surprise me. What DID surprise me is that apparently 8% of rams [male sheeps, smartie pants] prefer to do it with other rams. No scientific fact to back myself up here, but it seems to line up with the 'supposed' percentage of gay humans. Emphasis on the supposed. [When it all comes down to it, aren't all Homo Sapien Sapien's, well, homos? Let's all just get along now then, alright?] a'hem. Back to Roselli.. the man has been recieving oodles of hate mail from animal rights activists and GBLT rights activists alike. Now, I have a vested interest in both of these areas, but could we possibly cut the poor man an iota of slack? I'm not all about cutting open Ram brains to find out what makes them dislike eweginas, but I do acknowledge that science has been doing things like this forever. Just google "science and animal rights" and you'll see what I mean. This doesn't make it okay. However, I'm just saying it's nothing to write to the press about - yet one has. But what I do NOT understand is the involvement of the Gay Rights activists. Did I not get the gay-memo about this? Maybe hotmail is blocking it. [Microsoft.. they would.] Since when does Gay Rights include sheep? Let's not feed the anti-gay fire here.. Regardless, I don't see the relevance. We have rams that like rams.. Can't we just rejoice in that we have scientific facts to explain to skeptics that homosexuality DOES occur in nature.. I don't know people.. pick your battles. But back [again] to Mr. Roselli, there was massive misrepresentation in the media about his experiments and his intent. There was talk about him trying to find a gay vaccine of sorts, by probing these sheep. Who comes up with this stuff? Maybe it was Bush - Hell, maybe he's trying to find a way to clone gay sheep so he can send them to be killed in Iraq. I mean, he doesn't want Gay HUMANS in the armed forces..

Bottom line:

gay sheep are OKAY. Sure, let's learn more about them, but not kill the poor buggers.
George W. Bush is, was, and always will be a four year old. Thank god for our balanced system of government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.