The New Dorm is the talk of OCU right now, and after living with three inch cockroaches, moldy air, cold water and weird rust pouring out of the shower wall Joe and I have decided enough is enough and we're moving into the new dorm in the fall. Now, it's still under construction so there's no guarantee that it will be done by then. But then again, there are a lot of students already signed up who will be mighty angry if it's not. Regardless, I don't think living off campus would work next year, so the beautiful new dorm is the next best option. It does cost more than the regular dorms, of course, but each room has it's own bathroom, balcony, FULL SIZED BED and kitchenette, with a shared living space and an assigned covered parking spot.

There is going to be a mini-supermarket inside the dorm... aka I can walk in my slippers down the hall when it's ice-storming outside (like it is right now) to get a gallon of milk and carton of cookie dough ice cream. I can also STORE my milk and icecream in the fridge [which I can not at present.] Plus, the dorm is totally co-ed. Not by room, so I can't live with a girl, but a girl can live right next door to me. That's pretty sweet. Anyway, aside from that, the rooms are grouped as singles, doubles, or quads. This is a corner double, which would be the ideal. I suppose Joe and I could go into a quad with 2 other guys, but we'd have to find a couple friends to do that with, and I'm not quite sure of who is and isn't planning on living in the new dorm. Joe and I need to go to res life and sign up for a room, and then I can rejoice. Until then, it's just an idea.

So this is the new dorm NOW. Still a bunch of concrete. But they're on floor 2 of 4, so we're getting there. Look carefully and you'll see one of the elevator shafts rising up in the sky towards nowhere. Sort of fun. You can also see the Cokesbury Apartments across the street. The new dorm will be even nicer, and it will be considered part of tuition, which is sweet. No paying by the month. I also hear that the furniture in the new dorm will be leather and really nice. The furniture in Cokesbury is that nasty multicolored boxy 90's furniture. You know what I'm talking about.. like the stuff at cheap motels and at your grandma's place. This could could be a vicious lie, but then again, anything is better than the grandma furniture. It'll save me $33.99 [plus tax] and a trip to Target to buy a tacky couch slipcover.
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