These silly Oklahomans are all distraught over a few inches of ice and snow. The poor blokes don't know what snow IS. I'd love for them to experience a good 'ol noreaster so they understand that what's going on down here is nothing. We've had two ice storms thus far this winter, which everyone here says is unheard of [global warming is gonna get us all i tell you!] I will admit that the ice is pretty dangerous to drive on, but Oklahoma doesn't believe in plowing. It must not snow enough for it to be worth having them. Well, regardless, the roads are covered in a good 2 inches of solid ice everywhere because it was never taken care of.
Everyone on campus has been complaining that classes weren't canceled this week because of the snow this past weekend. I decided to dig up a photo of a noreaster from home. Ya, there are cars under there. I should print this off and show all these silly Okies what real snow is. [And if I recall correctly, I think we possibly had one day off from school from the storm in the photo.] We got 2 inches of snow here right before winter break and had 2 days off from school. Insanity.
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